A WINNER TAKES ALL MMO-SAT* * Massive Multiplayer Online Standardized Test
Pay $52. Take the MSAT.
Highest score wins the entire pot.
The MSAT was a one-time test taken online by all participants. The test was given on this website on Saturday March 5th, at 12 noon, EST.
Unlike typical standardized tests, the MSAT was taken online and in private. Everyone was cheating, and we don’t care. Cheating is a legitimate test-taking strategy.
The MSAT was a regular standardized test. It contained Reading, Writing, Math, and Essay sections.
If you’ve studied for standardized tests in the past, you know what to expect.
The MSAT was scored out of 1600 points. In the event of ties, the fastest time to complete the test won. Time mattered!
You can view the MSAT scores on this website.
SAT; College Admissions ::
You’ve been preparing for this your whole life.
“Ohhh, why are we learning this in high school; we’re never going to use it in real life.”
Well, guess what?
College admissions are an MMO (okay, partially offline too) contest, but instead of winning money, a significant portion of players win a mountain of debt.
For a number of years, popular analysis decried the inequity of the SAT. Wealth corresponded highly with test prep and this skewed the SAT in favor of richer school districts and richer individual students. Additionally, there was concern that the subject matter of the SAT–the passages pulled for reading and writing comprehension–contained implicit bias towards experiences much more familiar to white suburban kids.
Recently, the analytical pendulum of public opinion has swung the other way. Yes, the SAT is an imperfect, uneven playing field, but compared to the rest of the college admissions process, it’s downright meritocratic. Something like 40% of admitted Harvard students don’t get in on an academic basis in the first place– athletes, donors’ kids, and legacies. If wealth correlates with SAT scores, it correlates overwhelmingly more with bypassing any theoretically meritocratic system just straight up getting into college.
Money + time contribute to SAT success. If you take it 3 times, your aggregate score is going to be higher than if you took it once–and this does require having $156, transportation to a testing facility, and 3 free weekends. On the other hand, straight-up buying your way into college might involve a million-dollar donation from your parents. While wealth is a factor in both situations, these are not operating on the same level of inequality.
How does taking the test work?
The MSAT is taken on this website by all participants at 12 noon EST on Sat March 5. You must register ahead of time to take the test. The test lasts 3 hours and 40 minutes and must be taken in one sitting. You must be logged in continuously throughout the test.
Who is the winner?
The MSAT is scored out of 1600 points. The essay section does not contribute to your final score. The MSAT is also scored by time: if two participants have equal scores, the fastest time wins. There is only 1 winner.
How does payout work?
The winner will be contacted individually after scores are announced. Payout will be via certified check and the winner will be contacted by phone number.